"Let's Face It"- Team Building Exercise
This is a sample of an icebreaker used during training sessions. This icebreaker, “Let’s Face It”, is one of many in “The Big Book of Conflict Games” by Mary Scannell, 2010. The icebreaker was used on January 25, 2024, in a Documentation Training Workshop created for all of the agency's Certified Training Officers. As mentioned, the icebreaker was taken from a book provided to me by Professor J. Delgado. Participants in the activity were attendees of the training workshop.
This example showcases my capacity to identify the necessity for enjoyable activities during training sessions and select those that align with the topic at hand. This exercise highlighted the challenges of interpreting non-verbal cues and emphasized the significance of addressing our perceptions to ensure accurate communication reception.
2023 Hurricane Training
This is a sample of a Hurricane training created and uploaded to NeoGov (LMS). It is titled “2023 Hurricane Training”. It was designed to meet the yearly hurricane training requirement and was designed specifically for the NeoGov platform. It includes questions at the end that are scored, and it requires a passing score to receive course credit. This presentation was created and assigned before the 2023 hurricane season by myself and our Operations Captain (Captain Crista Britton).
This presentation showcases my expertise in crafting training materials tailored for an LMS platform. It is designed to be interactive and meets accessibility standards by featuring voice-over narration and subtitles.
Dispatch Review Committee Meeting
This is a sample of a Dispatch Review Committee (DRC) meeting held on February 1, 2024, for which I am chair. These meetings are a requirement of our agency’s IAED accreditation and are held in person with a virtual option. My department, the Professional Standards and Training Department, is responsible for these meetings. We suggest the meeting topics, provide the data (which include handouts), prepare the agenda, schedule the meeting, create the presentation, and take the meeting minutes (which are then approved and posted for our staff).
This sample demonstrates the ability to successfully chair meetings.
Training Documentation Workshop
This workshop was a 2.5-hour training block created by the Professional Standards and Training Department for our Certified Training Officers due to increased inconsistency in Daily Observation Report Documentation. The workshop was held on January 25, 2024, and the PST was responsible for the agenda and presentation.
This sample demonstrates the ability to recognize a training need, determine the medium for which to train on that need (in this case the training was presented in a workshop format), and create the materials to support the training (agenda, presentation, hands-on exercises)
Introduction New Hire Classroom Presentation
This is a sample of an Introduction to a Lee Control presentation. The presentation is used to introduce new hires to our agency on their first day of classroom training, most recently in October of 2023. It will be used again, in our upcoming class set to begin February 9, 2024. This presentation was created by me but can be used by any classroom instructor (albeit the slides do include images of me created by the "Bitmoji" app).
This illustrates my skill in developing classroom "lesson plans" using slides that can be utilized by any instructor, guaranteeing comprehensive coverage of all necessary topics. Additionally, it exemplifies my capability to customize materials in a playful and lighthearted manner while maintaining professionalism.
NeoGov LMS Lessons
This is a sample of the training lessons I have created and uploaded to NeoGov, Lee County’s learning management software. As you can see, there are 137 lessons created by the Public Safety Communications Department. These lessons date back to 2020 when the software was purchased by Lee County. I am responsible for all lesson creation and/or approval, employee assignment, and tracking.
This sample demonstrates the ability to utilize existing resources and discover creative ways to distribute and document training completion. As you can see, even lessons on SOPs (County Policy 213: Social Media) exist. These were created as a way to document receipt of such important documents.

Call Taking TPP Manual
This is a sample of the Lee Control Call Taking, Training, Policy, & Procedure Manual that I authored. This is a 700+ page manual that is not only used in the 9-1-1 Call Taking Training classroom environment but also as a policy/procedure resource for veteran staff. I initially created this manual upon taking over as the Training Supervisor for Lee County Public Safety Emergency Communications Division in 2017. It has undergone numerous revisions (most recently in January of 2024) as procedures are constantly changing. My department, the Professional Standards and Training Department, as well as the Operations Department, is responsible for suggesting and approving updates to the content of this manual. Once content is approved, I make the required changes and ensure the Table of Contents and formatting are up to date as well.
This sample demonstrates my ability to successfully create manuals to be used for educational purposes as well as help ensure compliance with agency standards.
Click on the pictures for additional presentation
This video provides an explanation of 911 Communication Protocols and Caller Interrogations... plus an interview with a dispatcher at her station. Protocols guide the questions and help the dispatcher know which pre-arrival instructions are most appropriate to aid the caller. It was recorded in August of 2023 and uploaded to YouTube by the citizen creator.
911 Tour and Presentation

Imagine answering the phone and hearing pleas for help as the sound of gunshots are heard in the background. Now imagine those cries for help stop and all goes quiet. You try to get someone to come back to the phone but the line goes dead. Before you can redial, another call rings in your ear and it’s a caller who is complaining of stomach pain, or a barking dog, or….a person gasping for air, trying to utter the words, “I’m dying…I need help”. Now imagine you are a dispatcher, sitting at your desk, toning first responders for routine calls (as if there is such a thing), and an emergency activation goes off for a responder in distress. This is an example of a day in the life of a 9-1-1 PST.
Now imagine you are on the other end of that phone or radio calling for help, and your call or transmission goes unanswered. In many centers across the nation, this is close to becoming a reality due to staffing shortages.
This video presentation was created for my Advanced Public Speaking Course in the fall of 2023. Siroos and Koroush Shadaram were kind enough to participate as my audience members.
911 SAVES Act